Flaget ’73 Reunion

I hope this email finds you and your families in good health!   The class of 73 will be holding our 50th year class reunion on the weekend of June 9th.  We are following the lead of the class of 72 in both the type of events as well as extending an invitation to the classes of 71-74.  That said, any grads or friends of Flaget are welcome to join any of the festivities.  Listed below are all the details on all the events.  Most of the events will be pay as you go but in the case of Churchill we will need you to confirm your attendance by April 15th and Venmo or send a check to Dan Ludwig so that we can secure enough tickets.  It is the weekend of the Belmont and the tickets are selling out early.  There will be no charge for the faculty for any of the events as the class of 73 will pay for their participation.  The faculty only needs to let us know which events they are planning to join.  From the class of 73, we have over 30 golfers registered and over 50 grads and guest signed up for each of the other three events.  The class of 72 had a great weekend of activities and we are hoping for the same.   I obtained your email address from the Flaget Alumni association but they only had emails for about thirty percent of the grads.  Please feel free to share with other grads and post on social media.  We will also be announcing our reunion details at the upcoming alumni lunches.   We really need to have you respond by the 15th of April if you are planning to come to the Churchill event.  If you are not going to Churchill, you can send us your intentions up to May 15th as we have more flexibility on the other three venues.  Just reply to this email and let us know which events you will be attending.  Dan will reach out to you to you to coordinate payment should you choose to join us at Churchill.  We hope to hear from everyone soon and look forward to seeing everyone in June.